The competition for climbing teams. The weirdest comp of the year.

On Saturday december first is the fifth edition of the Cube Team Open.  Hard bouldering? Yes, but with a twist: not alone but in a team. Who is the best bouldering team of the Netherlands Europe?

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Het coolest event from last year: box - squeeze

Competition info

Thé competition for boulder teams. With teams and climbers from the Netherlands and abroad. Everyone is welcome: from the recreational climber to the world elite, we make sure there is enough to climb. OWho is the best bouldering team of europe?

We will have a seperate youth competition in the morning / early afternoon. The adult competition strartsr at 16:00

In this event you won't cut it by climbing alone and hard, cooperation with your teammates is essential. At the comp you climb together , sometimes litteraly. With all sorts of fun and special team events like "pass the climbing hold", "box-squeeze" and "boulder-gear-traverse".


You always climb in a team. The competition format is based on teams of 6. Less then 6 is an issue. more then six is less of a problem.

Our advice for your diverse team: a midget that can crawl through anything, A slab master with impeccable technique, a bear of a men (or women) that can lift the whole team, a world champion route climbing with the continuity of a 10 year old girld, a basketball player of 2+ meter and a teamcaptain that will forge a team out of all these stars.


Every team has 6-8 members and a adult coach (for example the trainer of the yeath groups). There are 2 categories; 6 to 12 years (in the netherlands these kids are in the primary school) and 12 to 18 years. The youth comp is on saturday morning 

Program youth:
9:00 Cube and registration open
9:30 Briefing coaches
10:00 Start comp
14:00 End comp and award ceremony


Every team has 6-8 members. One team mamber will act as the coach . Participation is allowed from 15 years. The adult comp is on saturday afternoon / evening 

Program adults:
15:00 Cube and registration open
15:30 Briefing coaches
16:00 Start comp
19:00 End qualifiers
19:00 Diner
20:00 Final with the 6 best teams
±21:30 award ceremony

Participation and registration

With 28 teams we are completely full. Registration is no longer possibe.

Participation is only possible with a team. Youth comp from ages 6 to 18. Adult comp from 15 years.

Registration closes on monday 26th of november.


We will provide dinner for €9.00 together with our neighbours Imli from the  twenste foodhal. A non vegtarian dish: Chicken Chettinad curry - a rich and classic chicken curry from the Chettinad region in South India. Has tender chicken marinated in ginger, garlic, and yoghurt, slow cooked in flavours of cumin, mustard, fennel, coconut and a special Indian spice mix. and a vegetarian (vegan) Currry - vegetables cooked with mild spices in a cashew-nut based gravy. Both served with pilaf - steamed vegetable rice.

Participation fee

De cost for a team of six is € 60.00. Add €10.00 for additional members.


2018 TEAMwedstrijd L 

© 2021 Cube Bouldergym     realisatie: Roelofs Coaching